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Finally, a book that integrates leadership theories, leadership practices, and facilitation skills for those who facilitate the training and development of others.
This comprehensive and integrated resource prepares leadership educators to develop their training and facilitation practice that is informed by theory, imbued with healthy leadership habits, and imparted with time-tested facilitation techniques—particularly experiential learning and reflective dialogue.
There are plenty of resources for those who desire to practice leadership more effectively. What has been absent until now is an extensive and accessible compilation of resources and preparatory materials for those who facilitate the leadership training and development of others. Leadership educators are responsible for preparing the next generations of change-makers to develop the leadership skills and capacities they need to navigate the challenges in the decades ahead. They engage organizations and communities to become the holding environments and learning laboratories that empower connections of meaning and depth, embolden courageous exploration, and enable needed structural and systemic change. Jonathan Kroll offers this book as a resource to help readers become exceptional leadership educators—those who can empower others to enhance their leadership skills, capacities, and efficacy.
Designed to prepare those who are charged with the leadership training and development of others, this book includes: two dozen leadership theories, models, frameworks, and topics; an extensive collection of leadership practices; and tactics for facilitating powerful training experiences that are infused with experiential learning activities and reflective dialogue. Included with each theory and practice (40+) are detailed and easy-to-follow instructions on how to facilitate specific experiential learning activities—along with go-to reflective dialogue questions—that bring the topics to life and ensure this book serves as a practical resource.
Preparing Leadership Educators
A comprehensive guide to theories, practices, and facilitation skills.
Core Components of the Book

Laying a Leadership Foundation
The initial chapters of Preparing Leadership Educators explore the “what” and “who” of leadership. It is important for leadership educators to understand what leadership is and who leadership educators are - as well as the leadership training and development landscape. This introductory section sheds light upon our leadership cast who will be the focus of the remainder of this book.

Leadership Theory

Leadership Practices
Leadership practices inform what we do when leading. Our leadership practice is ultimately derived from the compilation of our daily leadership routines and decisions—our habits. With intentional attention, these can become healthy leadership habits. Albeit not a definitive list, Preparing Leadership Educators, provides a comprehensive list of a dozen-and-a-half leadership practices that can inform our leadership trainings—with tailored experiential learning activities and instructions for each of these practices.

Facilitation Leadership Trainings
The most amazing and impactful leadership training experiences are developmental not because of luck or randomness. It is because exceptional leadership educators utilize a grounded approach to craft and facilitate leadership-developmental training experiences. Without the foundational facilitation tactics and techniques, though, we are limited in our abilities to train others in leadership. Part IV of Preparing Leadership Educators focuses on how to craft facilitated experiences and then how to facilitate these trainings with dynamism so that participants’ leadership learning can be maximized.
Preparing Leadership Educators
A comprehensive guide to theories, practices, and facilitation skills.
Table of Contents
Part I: Laying Our Leadership Foundation
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Leadership: Who and What
Part II: Leadership Theories, Models, Frameworks, and Themes
Chapter 3: Industrial Leadership Theories
Chapter 4: Postindustrial Leadership Theories
Chapter 5: Contemporary Leadership Theories
Chapter 6: Leadership Themes and Topics
PART III: Leadership Practices, Skills, and Competencies
Chapter 7: Cognitive Leadership Practices
Chapter 8: Emotive Leadership Practices
Chapter 9: Cooperative Leadership Practices
Chapter 10: Generative Leadership Practices
PART IV: Facilitating Leadership Trainings
Chapter 11: Experiential Learning and Reflective Dialogue
Chapter 12: Creating a "Training Story"
Chapter 13: Training and Facilitation Practices
Conclusion & Appendix
Chapter 14: Conclusion
Appendix A: Praxis Grid (Theories and Practices in Relationship to Experiential Learning Activities)

a PDF-downloadable collection of worksheets for every reflection activity referenced in Preparing Leadership Educators!
Praise for "Preparing Leadership Educators"
Jonathan Kroll has interpreted the mammoth body of literature on leadership development with his wisdom and years of experience. The result is this terrific handbook for all leadership educators—whatever approaches to leadership they may prefer—and advances the growing profession of leadership education.
Susan R. Komives
Professor Emerita, University of Maryland
As a result of Jonathan's dedication and vision, we now have a resource to fulfill a role which was envisioned from the founding days of student affairs. Through an unusual breadth of experiences and constant reflection on what worked and didn't work in leadership learning, Jonathan compiled a book of gems to help leadership educators be more effective in facilitating the leadership training and development of their participants. Not until Preparing Leadership Educators has there been a resource to help those with responsibility for leadership learning to rise to higher levels of competence in this crucial arena of talent development.
Denny Roberts
Consultant, New Dimensions in Education
Preparing Leadership Educators fills a niche need for professionals in leadership education, training, and development, with a resource-rich compendium of facilitative tools. This text builds quickly from knowledge to effective praxis in leadership education spaces and focuses on the ubiquitous dialogical approach integrated across experiential approaches to leadership learning. This is a must-read for leadership educators who are looking to fine-tune their training and facilitation skills or pick up a few new pedagogical strategies for teaching the most common leadership theories and practices.
Dan Jenkins
Professor, University of Southern Maine
In a time where there is such hunger for leadership development, Preparing Leadership Educators book is both inspiring and practical. If you are responsible for leadership training, then this book is a must read! It is filled with leadership theories, experiential learning opportunities, and reflective questions that will assist any leadership educator in enhancing both their own knowledge, as well as those they are educating.
Christine Gravelle
Director of Student Activities, Texas A&M University
Jonathan Kroll gets it! Leadership education, while in dire need of a new approach, must also stand on the shoulders of the theory, scholarship, and approaches before it. In Preparing Leadership Educators, he does both. Incorporating the importance of identity, efficacy, facilitation, execution, and leadership development, this book is an important resource and guide for leadership educators.
Daymyen Layne
Director of Multicultural Education, Quinnipiac University
Organizations spend around $359 billion per year on leadership development worldwide, with dubious results. Leadership scholar and Master Trainer Jonathan Kroll has big ideas about how to improve things, and it starts with preparing leadership educators to be more effective with their training and facilitation. His book expertly navigates the whitewater between theory and practice and steers the reader into the clear channels of experiential learning and reflective dialogue. I recommend it highly.
Doug Kirkpatrick
Founder, D’Artagnan Advisors
Preparing Leadership Educators is a critical text that furthers the conversation around the training and development of leadership educators. The text explores theoretical frameworks as a foundation for practice and empowers leadership educators to dive into the historical, foundational, and paradigmatic influences of leadership education—while reflecting on their own leadership praxis. The impact of the text is two-fold among leaders on college campuses: those who educate students and the students who are identified as emergent leaders.
Amber Manning-Ouellette
Asst. Professor & Coordinator, Oklahoma State University
This book provides a masterful blend of leadership theories and practices that will equip educators with the knowledge and skills necessary to prepare leaders for an ever-changing world. It is a powerful and important resource for anyone engaged in working with leaders.
Kari Taylor
Asst. Professor & Director, Springfield College
A stark reality has plagued our world for far too long: 'Bad leadership kills.' Thankfully, as leadership trainers, there is a way to both treat the suffering that exists at the hands of these leaders as well as prevent subsequent bad leaders from being produced: Preparing Leadership Educators. Having studied medicine and leadership my entire professional career I can say that no panacea exists - but this book is a prescription that approaches that ideal. A must read for leaders, educators, and every person interested in making the world a healthier and happier place.
Gary Redfeather
Programme Lead & Senior Lecturer, De Montfort University
Jonathan Kroll has an incredible depth of knowledge of leadership that shines in Preparing Leadership Educators. This book is an incredible resource for leaders of all organizations—especially nonprofit organizations—because it prepares us to be better leadership educators who can dynamically assist others advance in their leadership journey.
Michael Cipoletti
Executive Director, FNE International
I am impressed with Preparing Leadership Educators because of how it fills a learning gap in my leadership journey! In this book, Jonathan Kroll offers facilitation tools for leaders to hone their training craft through experiential methods that center on personal identities, narratives, and reflections. I am relieved that this resource is finally available for leaders to become exceptional. This book should be essential reading for all leadership educators.
Elsie Gonzalez
Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, CREC
Preparing Leadership Educators is a critical resource for leadership educators charged with developing the next generation of leaders. However, it extends beyond the resource gap. Jonathan Kroll illuminates the art and science of leadership education, which makes this text a go-to resource for the training and development industry and growing field of leadership education.
Katie Friesen
Asst. Professor of Education, William Woods University
In times of uncertainty, the world needs more leaders. Jonathan Kroll has passionately written a foundational must-read for those that are in the business of training and developing leaders. It is packed with resources and exercises to help leadership educators, and anyone involved in developing the next generation of leaders to level up like never before.
Ethan Huynh
Founder & CEO, Acellent Plus
Preparing Leadership Educators is an amazing leadership tapestry: it weaves together leadership theory, leadership practices, and hands-on facilitation tips. One could use this to not only grow oneself and others as leaders and facilitators themselves, but with the scope of topics covered you could create a tailored and multifaceted leadership curriculum.
Lisa Slavid
Leadership & Strategy Consultant & Facilitator
In a student affairs division with multiple staff and departments responsible for student leadership development, Preparing Leadership Educators is the ideal resource. Jonathan Kroll provides an accessible overview of leadership theories, models, and frameworks that a cross-division team with varying areas of expertise can use to form a shared understanding and approach to leadership education. The detailed and numerous training activities shared in the book are a gold mine of promising practices that are easily adapted to a unique institutional context.
Dave Stanfield
Vice President of Student Affairs, Yale-NUS College
As someone who teaches courses on leadership and facilitation, I am excited for Preparing Leadership Educators. Dr. Kroll has composed an informative and engaging text that includes both the "what" of leadership theory and literature as well as the "how" of facilitation. This combination of theory and practice is essential to the future of leadership education. I'll definitely be adopting this as my textbook the next time I teach!
Annemarie Vaccaro
Professor & Associate Dean, University of Rhode Island
Bridging the gap between theory and practice, this book provides valuable information to those tasked with training future leaders. Throughout the book, Jonathan Kroll shares personal experiences of training leaders, which bring leadership theories, practices, and facilitation approaches to life and allow readers to visualize how they may apply this knowledge in their own praxis.
Gudrum Nyunt
Assistant Professor, Northern Illinois University
Preparing Leadership Educators is an asset for those who facilitate leadership training and development. Jonathan is a masterful leadership educator and facilitator with decades of experience that are illuminated within these pages. This book is accessible and practical and will be of value for folks across industries who want to create structural change within their teams and organizations - through training and facilitation.
Faustina Cuevas
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Officer
Preparing Leadership Educators is the go-to guide for all who have the honor to facilitate and hold space for leadership training and development. While this is a great resource for those in higher education, those in the corporate or non-profit sector can benefit greatly from the depth and ease of this book. By utilizing this text, you will have the knowledge and skills to move participants forward by through the use of experiential learning and reflective dialogue.
Annalyn Cruz
CEO of Grounded In Wisdom, LLC
Book Packages

Package 1
Value Package
1 One-to-One Coaching Session with Jonathan
- Value: $390
Monthly Live (Virtual) Group Mentoring Engagements with Jonathan (from January through August)
- Value: $1,520
Easy Access to Leadership Trainer's Free Resources
- Leadership Trainer Preparation Checklist
- Leadership Training-Planning Template
- Learning Outcomes Guide
- 90 Ice-Breaker Questions for Meaning and Depth
- Identity Exploration and Development Worksheet
- 18 Go-To Reflective Dialogue Questions
Bonus Add-On: Reflection Activities Bundle of all the worksheet activities referenced in the book!
VALUE: $1,930
ONLY $89.95

Package 2
Mastery Course Package
2 One-to-One Coaching Session with Jonathan
- Value: $780
Monthly Live (Virtual) Group Mentoring Engagements with Jonathan (from January through August)
- Value: $1,520
Easy Access to Leadership Trainer's Free Resources
- Leadership Trainer Preparation Checklist
- Leadership Training-Planning Template
- Learning Outcomes Guide
- 90 Ice-Breaker Questions for Meaning and Depth
- Identity Exploration and Development Worksheet
- 18 Go-To Reflective Dialogue Questions
Mastery Course
- 12-Module Mastery Course Videos
- Nearly 4 hours of video content in bite-sized chunks
- 12-Module Mastery Course Workbook
- 140 pages of content presented in an engaging fashion
- Value: $360
- 12-Module Mastery Course Videos
Bonus Add-On: Reflection Activities Bundle of all the worksheet activities referenced in the book!
VALUE: $2,680
ONLY $139.95

Package 3
Certification Package
2 One-to-One Coaching Session with Jonathan
- Value: $780
Monthly Live (Virtual) Group Mentoring Engagements with Jonathan (from January through August)
- Value: $1,520
Easy Access to Leadership Trainer's Free Resources
- Leadership Trainer Preparation Checklist
- Leadership Training-Planning Template
- Learning Outcomes Guide
- 90 Ice-Breaker Questions for Meaning and Depth
- Identity Exploration and Development Worksheet
- 18 Go-To Reflective Dialogue Questions
Mastery Course
- Value: $360
Reflection Activities Bundle of all the worksheet activities referenced in the book!
- Value: $19.95
VALUE: $5,280
ONLY $1,599.95
Signed Book
w/ Jonathan's Signature
Add on the Reflection Activities Bundle for only $9.95
Reflection Activities Bundle
Worksheets Only
$9.95 (pre-order price)...after November, it increases to $19.95

Purchase the book now!

About the Author
Jonathan Kroll
Founder, Executive Director, and Master Trainer
Jonathan Kroll is a leadership educator and entrepreneur. He began his career in higher education (Student Affairs) by focusing on leadership development, community engagement, and reflection initiatives. He has co-founded two leadership training businesses and, over the last decade, Jonathan has facilitated hundreds of leadership workshops, retreats, trainings, conference presentations, and classes to 1,000s of participants across 5 continents.
Jonathan serves as the Program Director and Assistant Teaching Professor for the Professional Leadership Studies program at the University of Rhode Island. He also founded and serves as the Executive Director and a Master Trainer for Leadership Trainer—a Boston-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that focuses exclusively and explicitly on trainer preparation.

Founder | Executive Director | Master Trainer

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